The PowerShell Summit 2014 North America kicked off this morning ! What a day! The organizers really did an Awesome Work!! Great Summit so far! This event is a great opportunity to meet old friends, make some new ones and put faces on names.
I also took this opportunity to bring a couple of PowerShell books, and get them signed by authors (a lot of them are at the summit).
For me it was kind of a long day, I am still jet lagged and couldn’t sleep anymore when I woke up at 5am. After a 30 min run and a small breakfast I was on my way to the Summit.
Noteabout recorded sessions: I saw some people were recording some of the sessions using microphones and camera….so hopefully they will upload those online some time soon. However, cool thing to know… Don Jones started a crowd funding this morning with a first goal of 3000$USD and he already reached it!! Currently there is 3300$USD raised! only 10hours! This money will be used to buy a device that sit between the screen/projector and the computer (basically capture the display output from the computer).
PshSummit 2014 NA serie posts:
PowerShell Summit 2014 NA - Day 1 (current post)
PowerShell Summit 2014 NA - Iron Scripter Competition
PowerShell Summit 2014 NA - Day 2
PowerShell Summit 2014 NA - Day 3

Meydenbauer Center: This is where everything is happening |
Meydenbauer Center is right next to some Microsoft Buildings,
don't actually know if the PowerShell team is working there. |
Monday 8am - Welcomewith Don Jones and Jeffrey Snover |
Monday 9am: Jeffrey Snover on "PowerShell Just in Time/Just Enough
Admin - Security in a Post-Snowden World" |
The room 404 was really packed for Jeffrey Snover session |
Jeffrey Snover on "PowerShell Just in Time/Just Enough
Admin - Security in a Post-Snowden World".
Showing the concept of JEA, How and Why you should limit the amount of rights to the Domain Admins. |
Monday 10am - Steve Murawski on "The life and Times of a DSC Resource" |
Steve Murawski on "The life and Times of a DSC Resource" |
Monday 11am - Steven Murawski on "DSC - Building Scalable Configurations" |
Monday 12am - Lunch Time! Great food! |
Monday 1pm - Lee Holmes andJoseph Bialek on "PowerShell for Security Incident Response"
Really great session, It is a bit scary to see how easy Joseph was able to take control of Lee's Admin session. |
The creator of PowerShell: Jeffrey Snover sitting right next to me,
this is the kind of thing only happening at the #PshSummit |
Useful resources for PowerShell+ Security |
Monday 2pm - Jason Walker on "Leverage Multi-thread for speeding up your scripts"
Great Content, I should definitely used those techniques in my scripts! |
Jason Walker |
Monday 3pm - Matt Graeber on "Advanced PowerShell Eventing Scripting Techniques"
Really interesting stuff, this could be useful in many cases. |
Monday 4pm - Matt Graeber on "Using PowerShell as a Reverse Engineering Tool"
Okay for this session.... by head blowed up... really deep stuff. |
Iron Scripter Trophy!! Awesome work from Rob Campbell |
Winner of the Iron Scripter competition:Kendall Maddox |
Winner of the Iron Scripter competition:Kendall Maddox with Rob Campbell who created the Trophy |
Finally here are some of the books I got signed
PowerShell Cookbook - Lee Holmes |
Windows PowerShell Best Pratices - Ed Wilson |
That’s it!! See you tomorrow :-)
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