Scripting Games 2013 - Advanced Event 2 - An Inventory Intervention
Now that event 2 is closed for new entries. Here is the solution I proposed.
Instruction Download the instruction here [skydrive]
Dr. Scripto finally has the budget to buy a few new virtualization host servers, but he needs to make some room in the data center to accommodate them. He thinks it makes sense to get rid of his lowest-powered old servers first... but he needs to figure out which ones those are. This is just the first wave, too – there's more budget on the horizon so it's possible he'll need to run this little report a few times. Better make a reusable tool. All of the virtualization hosts run Windows Server, but some of them don't have Windows PowerShell installed, and they're all running different OS versions. The oldest OS version is Windows 2000 Server (he knows, and he's embarrassed but he's just been so darn busy). The good news is that they all belong to the same domain, and that you can rely on having a Domain Admin account to work with. The good Doctor has asked you to write a PowerShell tool that can show him each server's name, installed version of Windows, amount of installed physical memory, and number of installed processors. For processors, he'll be happy getting a count of cores, or sockets, or even both – whatever you can reliably provide across all these different versions of Windows. He has a few text files with computer names – he'd like to pipe the computer names, as strings, to you tool, and have your tool query those computers.
Key Points
Some Remote Server don’t have PowerShell
Different OS versions (oldest is Window Server 2000)
Domain Environment, Domain Admin credential.
Output of the script: ServerName, Version of Windows, Amount of Physical Memory, Processors Count, Sockets Count, Cores Count.
Script can receive ComputerName injected via the pipeline
Steps to my solution Using WMI you can retrieve most of the information on remote machines (WMI Service is present since Windows 2000, Assuming WMI Service is running.. of course…)
Why not CIM ? I could had play with Get-CIMInstance (which use WSman in the background by default), but for my old servers without PowerShell and WSman, I would had to create an Explicit session with DCOM protocol, then use this session with Get-CimInstance…. I think it is a bit heavy to do this… so I stick to Get-WmiObject.
Operating System Name (Caption Property), Operating System Version (Version property) and ComputerName(Properties: PSComputerName, __SERVER or CSName) were all in the WMI classWin32_OperatingSystem.
For the Memory installed… I based my script on Win32_ComputerSystem with the property TotalPhysicalMemory
However, I noticed that some other competitor were using the class Win32_PhysicalMemory, doing a SUM on the Capacity properties outputted. I Chose to show the value in GB.
Processors I used the classes Win32_ComputerSystem and Win32_Processor
For Windows Server 2008 and above, you can get some information about the Processor(s) and the Core(s) using the properties NumberOfLogicalProcessors and NumberOfProcessors However if I query Windows Server 2000 or 2003 I only get the property NumberOfProcessors
SocketsandCores For this part, I looked at the property SocketDesignation in the Win32_processor class.
I used the following code to count my sockets and cores:
FOREACH ($Proc in $Processors){
IF($Proc.numberofcores -eq $null){
IF ($Proc.SocketDesignation -ne $null){$Sockets++}
$Cores += $proc.numberofcores
}#FOREACH $Proc in $Processors
Note:For the Processor part, I think Mike F Robbins got a betterapproached, Check his post here.
Vote for me! And Comment! Please vote for me and let me know what you liked or not. I’m still learning and want to improve my code. Thank you!
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#requires -Version 3 function Get-ComputerInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS This function query some basic Operating System and Hardware Information from a local or remote machine. .DESCRIPTION This function query some basic Operating System and Hardware Information from a local or remote machine. It requires PowerShell version 3 for the Ordered Hashtable. The properties returned are the Computer Name (ComputerName),the Operating System Name (OSName), Operating System Version (OSVersion), Memory Installed on the Computer in GigaBytes (MemoryGB), the Number of Processor(s) (NumberOfProcessors), Number of Socket(s) (NumberOfSockets), and Number of Core(s) (NumberOfCores). This function as been tested against Windows Server 2000, 2003, 2008 and 2012 .PARAMETER ComputerName Specify a ComputerName or IP Address. Default is Localhost. .PARAMETER ErrorLog Specify the full path of the Error log file. Default is .\Errors.log. .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerInfo ComputerName : XAVIER OSName : Microsoft Windows 8 Pro OSVersion : 6.2.9200 MemoryGB : 4 NumberOfProcessors : 1 NumberOfSockets : 1 NumberOfCores : 4 This example return information about the localhost. By Default, if you don't specify a ComputerName, the function will run against the localhost. .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerInfo -ComputerName SERVER01 ComputerName : SERVER01 OSName : Microsoft Windows Server 2012 OSVersion : 6.2.9200 MemoryGB : 4 NumberOfProcessors : 1 NumberOfSockets : 1 NumberOfCores : 4 This example return information about the remote computer SERVER01. .EXAMPLE Get-Content c:\ServersList.txt | Get-ComputerInfo ComputerName : DC OSName : Microsoft Windows Server 2012 OSVersion : 6.2.9200 MemoryGB : 8 NumberOfProcessors : 1 NumberOfSockets : 1 NumberOfCores : 4 ComputerName : FILESERVER OSName : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard OSVersion : 6.1.7601 MemoryGB : 2 NumberOfProcessors : 1 NumberOfSockets : 1 NumberOfCores : 1 ComputerName : SHAREPOINT OSName : Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition OSVersion : 5.2.3790 MemoryGB : 8 NumberOfProcessors : 8 NumberOfSockets : 8 NumberOfCores : 8 ComputerName : FTP OSName : Microsoft Windows 2000 Server OSVersion : 5.0.2195 MemoryGB : 4 NumberOfProcessors : 2 NumberOfSockets : 2 NumberOfCores : 2 This example show how to use the function Get-ComputerInfo in a Pipeline. Get-Content Cmdlet Gather the content of the ServersList.txt and send the output to Get-ComputerInfo via the Pipeline. .EXAMPLE Get-ComputerInfo -ComputerName FILESERVER,SHAREPOINT -ErrorLog d:\MyErrors.log. ComputerName : FILESERVER OSName : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard OSVersion : 6.1.7601 MemoryGB : 2 NumberOfProcessors : 1 NumberOfSockets : 1 NumberOfCores : 1 ComputerName : SHAREPOINT OSName : Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition OSVersion : 5.2.3790 MemoryGB : 8 NumberOfProcessors : 8 NumberOfSockets : 8 NumberOfCores : 8 This example show how to use the function Get-ComputerInfo against multiple Computers. Using the ErrorLog Parameter, we send the potential errors in the file d:\Myerrors.log. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject .NOTES Scripting Games 2013 - Advanced Event #2 #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String[]]$ComputerName = "LocalHost", [String]$ErrorLog = ".\Errors.log" ) BEGIN {}#PROCESS BEGIN PROCESS{ FOREACH ($Computer in $ComputerName) { Write-Verbose -Message "PROCESS - Querying $Computer ..." TRY{ $Everything_is_OK = $true Write-Verbose -Message "PROCESS - $Computer - Testing Connection" Test-Connection -Count 1 -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable ProcessError | Out-Null # Query WMI class Win32_OperatingSystem Write-Verbose -Message "PROCESS - $Computer - WMI:Win32_OperatingSystem" $OperatingSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable ProcessError # Query WMI class Win32_ComputerSystem Write-Verbose -Message "PROCESS - $Computer - WMI:Win32_ComputerSystem" $ComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable ProcessError # Query WMI class Win32_Processor Write-Verbose -Message "PROCESS - $Computer - WMI:Win32_Processor" $Processors = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Processor -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable ProcessError # Processors - Determine the number of Socket(s) and core(s) # The following code is required for some old Operating System where the # property NumberOfCores does not exist. Write-Verbose -Message "PROCESS - $Computer - Determine the number of Socket(s)/Core(s)" $Cores = 0 $Sockets = 0 FOREACH ($Proc in $Processors){ IF($Proc.numberofcores -eq $null){ IF ($Proc.SocketDesignation -ne $null){$Sockets++} $Cores++ }ELSE { $Sockets++ $Cores += $proc.numberofcores }#ELSE }#FOREACH $Proc in $Processors }CATCH{ $Everything_is_OK = $false Write-Warning -Message "Error on $Computer" $Computer | Out-file -FilePath $ErrorLog -Append -ErrorAction Continue $ProcessError | Out-file -FilePath $ErrorLog -Append -ErrorAction Continue Write-Warning -Message "Logged in $ErrorLog" }#CATCH IF ($Everything_is_OK){ Write-Verbose -Message "PROCESS - $Computer - Building the Output Information" $Info = [ordered]@{ "ComputerName" = $OperatingSystem.__Server; "OSName" = $OperatingSystem.Caption; "OSVersion" = $OperatingSystem.version; "MemoryGB" = $ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory/1GB -as [int]; "NumberOfProcessors" = $ComputerSystem.NumberOfProcessors; "NumberOfSockets" = $Sockets; "NumberOfCores" = $Cores} $output = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Info $output } #end IF Everything_is_OK }#end Foreach $Computer in $ComputerName }#PROCESS BLOCK END{ # Cleanup Write-Verbose -Message "END - Cleanup Variables" Remove-Variable -Name output,info,ProcessError,Sockets,Cores,OperatingSystem,ComputerSystem,Processors, ComputerName, ComputerName, Computer, Everything_is_OK -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # End Write-Verbose -Message "END - Script End !" }#END BLOCK }#function ```
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