PowerShell/Active Directory - Retrieve Groups managed by a User
I recently had an interesting request at work:
Finding a way to list all the groups a specific user was managing.
If you look into the properties of an Active Directory group object, you will find under the tab ManagedBy
the name of a user or group who is managing the group and possibly its members if the Manager can update membership list
is checked.
Group object properties / Managed By tab:
This is nice for one group…. what if the user manage tons of them ?
Using the Active Directory Module and some LDAP Filtering
Using the PowerShell Cmdlet Get-ADGroup
(from the Active Directory Module), I am using a LDAP filter to find groups that contain the user DistinguishedName
in the ManagedBy
# Retrieve the groups managed by the current user
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(ManagedBy=$((Get-ADuser -Identity $env:username).distinguishedname))"
For better performance and depending on the size of your Active Directory, I would also recommend to use the -SearchBase
to better scope the search range of your query… and possibly use the -ResultSize
if you expect a long list of groups.
# Retrieve the groups managed by the current user
# and only search from "OU=Groups,DC=FX,DC=Lab"
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(ManagedBy=$((Get-ADuser -Identity $env:username).distinguishedname))" -SearchBase "OU=Groups,DC=FX,DC=Lab" -ResultSetSize 50
If you don’t want to rely on the Active Directory Module, you can also use ADSI. Using the same above LDAP filter, we can query Active Directory this way:
# Distinguished Name of the user
$DN = "CN=TestUser,OU=User,DC=FX,DC=Lab"
# Retrieve the groups managed by this user
You will then need to select the properties that you want to output.
For example:
([ADSISearcher]"(&(objectCategory=group)(ManagedBy=$DN))").findall().properties |
ForEach-Object -Process {
# Output the current object with only Name, DN and ManagedBy properties
GroupName = $Psitem.name -as [string]
GroupDistinguishedName = $Psitem.distinguishedname -as [string]
GroupManagedby = $Psitem.managedby -as [string]
Extra: Get all the groups that contains a manager
# Retrieve the groups managed by the current user
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(ManagedBy=*)" -SearchBase "OU=Groups,DC=FX,DC=Lab" -Properties ManagedBy
Other Resources
- about_ActiveDirectory_Filter
- Describes the syntax and behavior of the search filter supported by the Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell.
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